OK! No faffing about. Let’s jump straight into this one with this week’s One Word Topic Comics. (and then there’s some other fun stuff at the other end!)
First up this week we had a request for Formula 1, which seems to be flooding my feed given the Melbourne Grand Prix is on.
As luck would have it, this comic made a little less sense after that particular race, but rest assured it was pretty funny prior to it.
Next up we had… I actually can’t remember what this one was for. Maybe route? who knows.
After that, a request for shade resulted in this comic, which has proven quite popular. I’m considering popping this one up on the shop - Let me know if you want a copy!
Next up on the One Word Comic list we had Spring, which is always good for a bit of stupid Dad humour.
(Hmmm. probably should have picked a slightly higher quality comic to follow up a paid subscriber pitch to be honest…)
Following that nonsense, a little comic about Bollards.
Then I had a request for Overcast, so took a slightly different approach to that…
I do stand by this observation though; there’s a lot of movies with just way too many people in them.
And last one on the list this week I really love, largely because I assume someone saw my request for One Word Topics, looked down, and typed in the first thing that came to mind - Which is how we ended up with this comic for keyboard.
As a teen I used to spend a lot of time in maths class drawing ‘The Perfect Wave’ (I know, I know, how very Australian) and it’s nice to know I’ve still got those wave drawing skills stored somewhere in the back of my mind. The maths skills? Not so much.
Guess WHAT?! This week I was honoured to be featured in the latest Toonstack edition, which had the theme of Entropy and/or Drought
Initally I went with a comic on drought, which may or may not have just ended up being me projecting as the artist son of a farmer…
In the end I went with the Entropy option, borrowing heavily from one of my favourite short stories of all time by Asimov. Was really happy with it, especially considering it came precariously close to not really being a comic at all given it’s mostly just words and no real drawing.
Anyway, be sure to go check it out on
and give them a follow and/or subscribe, as well as being consistently amusing they’re a great place to discover new artists and cartoonist, so well worth it!WHAT ELSE?
On Friday I had a chance to pop down and see Olya / AKA Adventures Illustrated’s one person show down at Let it Bleed in Berlin. It’s on for the next few weeks so if you’re in Berlin be sure to check it out.
As well as some wonderful canvases and cut-outs, there’s also some excellent A4 prints if you just want something smaller!
Yep, random comments!
I’m yet to have another go at the animating thing, but that will absolutely be happening next week so keep an eye out for that!
If you haven’t checked it out yet, do go have a look at ChazHutton.com and be sure to pass it on to any of your friends who might need a comic for their online content, (or any other content really)
Yeah that’s it!
See you all next week!
Love the Hot Day Venn Diagram! The balance is so good, the round pool and tree shapes so pleasing, both in themselves and as portrayals of Venn circles, and the observation = truth!