First up, welcome to all you lovely new subscribers! So very happy you’re here!
Now, usually I like to write a bit nonsense at the start, really set the scene, bla bla bla, BUT, there is NO TIME (or, rather space) for that this week because I want to keep this within the email length cut-off, so let’s get STRAIGHT INTO IT!
This week we’re jumping into the One Word Topic Prompts again, and the first word up is Volcano.
Next up, was Hailstones. (I told you we’re whipping through them!)
After that was Vikings. (Note to self: Do more Viking jokes)
Then I went full Art Nerd and did the following comic for the prompt Fountain. Enjoy that one fellow art nerds.
Just as I was thinking I need to do some more art related jokes, the promt Painting came in, and while I haven’t attempted painting anything in a long while, I’m pretty sure this is how it would pan out…
To be fair, I often have the same thoughts about drawing comics.
Anyway, MOVING ON! - Next we have Ghosted.
One of the next prompts was Warning, which is how the following comic came about, and which is I think my favourite for this week.
Next up, was the prompt Pillowcase, and I couldn’t resist going down the wordplay route…
And to finish up today, we have Topiary, which is just a perfect suggestion, and so I wasted no time in drawing exactly what you’d expect.
And that’s it for this week!
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In other news, I can’t quite believe it but I’ve managed to fit everything in within the e-mail cut-off, so as a little bonus, here’s a picture of a potato.
See you all next week!
So obvious and so funny. The pillow case is killer!
The Viking one is everything!