Great stuff, Chas. Best of luck with it!

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Thanks guys!!!!

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Fantastic! Love it, and so glad that you are sharing this with us first! I'd love to do a project with you. I'll be completing the form right now ;)

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Well done. Fun and funny and well put together.

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Thanks Mike!!!!

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GREAT that you are back. happy to read about all this big news and I love the news about the exhibition, so finally I might get my stuff signed... 😜

One more thing, since you asked for correction: I think there is a little mistake in the order of the "how it goes"- section (step 2 and 3) or maybe it is just the mobile view here.

So anyway, welcome back Chaz!

PS: little Bowie with the cha-changes...: 😍😍😍

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It's the same way on a laptop.

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Very nice website! I need to upgrade mine...

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