Awesome - what a great way to begin my day :)

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Jun 19Liked by Chaz Hutton

Great post! I love this 😃

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Jun 18Liked by Chaz Hutton

There was an awesome episode of the mexican series "El Chavo del Ocho" with several Droodles. It aired in Brazil and not a single person from my generation fails to recognize them. They can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n84OdairYLY (in order: chess board for begginers, over-sharpened pencil, single-key typewriter, a letter written with said typewriter, egg sandwich)

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Droodles are the best!

Love the elephant one.

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Reminds me a lot of the elephant and snake drawing from the Little Prince

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Outstanding ❤️

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